Download problem

Make sure that all the components and extensions you’ve used in your Kodular project are properly configured and compatible with the platform. Sometimes, using incompatible or outdated components/extensions can cause compilation errors.

Is this the complete log or is there missing something?
Post the statistics overview screen of your project from here


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There is a problem, I can’t download a file, I need help, please

ok, you can’t build the project because there is an error…
are you able to answer questions? for example this one?

Also are you able to export your project and get the aia file?
if yes, then upload the aia file to and post the statistics overview screen of your project from there


Hello, I can’t download it, I need professional help

Click View Log and post the complete log here…

Protip: the last line of the log is a hint of the problem… you also can search for that issue here in the community


Seee also my previous answers… it looks like you ignored everything…
What about providing a few answers to the questions?