Download problem

When someone downloads my app it first downloads some pictures from internet

When i tested it , it worked fine

but now when i posted it on google play and download
it downloaded 35kb not 10mb … so it doesnt work

i uploaded files on 10 diffrent upload sites , same happens

when i set it up with firebase it worked fine , but firebase storage every 2 days down , not working

Can’t get you, please elaborate the issue you’re experiencing.


When someone downloads my app
it first downloads some pictures, for app

BUT it doesnt download it !!

this needs to be downloaded Filebin :: bin xpi1zt06s4kysg6a

but when it starts download in app
it only downloads

3,29 kb , but it needs to download 50mb of pictures

i dont know , i trayed alredy 10 hostings , same happens

Try by using this link

Edit, I see that you already do that


I use this in app

you can reduce size by compressing the files in an archive and use “Unzip” block under file component to extract it back to original files

I alredy use that ? look blocks

my bad:sweat_smile:
try to use custom download extension

Ok :slight_smile:
thanks i gonna try this now

Still doesnt work

it only downloads this 3.29kb ,…

Something is capping to this limit , maybe android???

I found something useful.
When you will open these links:

A web page will open like this:

And I think 3.29 Kb is the size of this web page.
Try Google Drive for that.
I am sure that it will work.

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I also suspected this and you were right, I change the file extension from zip to html and got this


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Now it is clear that downloaded file is web page.
And there is another one thing to notice.
When you will click on download button downloading will started from a unique link and when you will open that link this web page will be opened.It is creating a loop means you can use one link for one time.


Thanks guys allot for help !!!

“It is creating a loop means you can use one link for one time.” yes ,somtime it did download and somtime not !! i was like , why … :slight_smile:

I will try google drive now

But i need direct link , so when it opens it starts download immediately

I got this now

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If your problem is solved then close this topic.

Nope, still need help

Then ask here.

I uploaded now on google drive
But i need direct link , so when it opens it starts download immediately ?

I got this now
