Drive File Display Extension (FREE)

Did you assign the above file as public then only it can be downloaded

Also see the link , it says clearly as view which means you can view only


also try in a webview

can you share the google drive link here

My Suggestion , If you wanna try it’s better to try it with IMAGE first, If is it okay then next try with the Video, Please concern with the playable video Format and the size of the video bigger size video take along time to buffer …

How to show google drive pdf online without downloading.

Read here Video Player not playing assets programmatically - #2 by WeMakeBest

try putting in a web view

What about pdf and others types like docx TXT CSV

this extension has a bug i found in my app, my button in the app was working after some delay of time , when i removed this extension my button was working fine

nice extension @golumaths100 :slight_smile:

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can this drive file be read in MIT App inventor?
i used to it in MIT App inventor but it couldn’t work.

I tried to use iit my code but it couldn’t work

It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.

To get an image of your blocks, right click in the Blocks Editor and select “Download Blocks as Image”. You might want to use an image editor to crop etc. if required. Then post it here in the community.


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Another concern of this extension i am getting this error ERROR: io/kodular/abdiracba/mlelwadr/Screen2.yail line 2777: caught exception in inliner for # - java.lang.RuntimeException: no such class: com.appybuilder.shivamblog100.DriveFile.DriveFile

If extensin doesn’t work you can use a procedure for the same think

please show me how?

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How can i extract the file, and aix file is not there

As usual you can find the extension ib the first post


after set video source, i call videoplayer 1 play, it dont play
but when i call videoplayer 1 by button1 click, it play
how to call videoplayer 1 auto play after set video source ?

Use a clock component and start playing a little bit later


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