Dynamic cardview and airtable with several columns

hello i use dynamic cardview and airtable.
I would like my images (logo) to appear in 3 columns or in the same square. how should I do thank you

i want do like this
country plaquette

use this extension it makes it easier what you want to achieve create a horizontall scroll arrangement and inside add images you want to add

how to make multiple image line or column like on my image.thanks

I think u want to create image grid view.

hello The K Studio
I tried with gridview, but Soham Shah told me that it was easier with dynamic compoment.

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in fact I want to create a table or columns with 4 images inside the same clickable dimension opening with webviewer

It is simple with some logic.

Method 1 : Use grid view or custom list grid view extension

Method 2 : Custom layout :point_down:

  1. First design your layout with card view and images according to your need.

  2. Call image link from your database and store in a variable. Or you can upload images in assets if they are few in numbers.

  3. Set all image source to links from variable by using select list item with index block.

This is from my project: offline grid view with card view, image and labels.


hello i tried dynamic card view
but I only get one column, while I have a vertical layout.

I found, I had a column in airtable that doesn’t work (and I don’t know why), but my project works