Dynamic component color problem

I want the colors to look like this. Adjusted colors do not appear.

“name”: “Uygulama1”,
“metadata-version”: 1,
“extension_version”: 5,
“author”: “ayyildiz”,
“platforms”: [
“extensions”: {},
“keys”: [“labelHoriA”,“labelHoriAbc”,“id”],
“components”: [
“id”: “{id}”,
“type”: “HorizontalScrollArrangement”,
“properties”: {
“AlignVertical”: 2,
“Height”: -1008,
“Width”: -2
“components”: [
“id”: “Space1{id}”,
“type”: “SpaceView”,
“properties”: {
“Width”: 13
“id”: “horizontalCardView{id}”,
“type”: “MakeroidCardView”,
“properties”: {
“BackgroundColor”: 9689377,
“ContentPaddingBottom”: 0,
“ContentPaddingLeft”: 0,
“ContentPaddingRight”: 0,
“ContentPaddingTop”: 0,
“CornerRadius”: 20,
“Elevation”: 0,
“Height”: -2,
“Width”: -1045
“components”: [
“id”: “horizontalHori{id}”,
“type”: “HorizontalArrangement”,
“properties”: {
“AlignVertical”: 2,
“BackgroundColor”: -1,
“Height”: -2,
“Width”: -2
“components”: [
“id”: “horizontalCardV1{id}”,
“type”: “MakeroidCardView”,
“properties”: {
“AlignHorizontal”: 3,
“AlignVertical”: 2,
“BackgroundColor”: -1633771777 ,
“ContentPaddingBottom”: 0,
“ContentPaddingLeft”: 0,
“ContentPaddingRight”: 0,
“ContentPaddingTop”: 0,
“CornerRadius”: 25,
“Elevation”: 0,
“Height”: -2,
“Width”: 50
“components”: [
“id”: “horizontalLblA{id}”,
“type”: “Label”,
“properties”: {
“FontBold”: true,
“FontSize”: 20,
“FontTypefaceImport”: “QuestrialR.ttf”,
“Text”: “{labelHoriA}”,
“TextColor”: 4285423198
“id”: “horizontalLblAbc{id}”,
“type”: “Label”,
“properties”: {
“FontBold”: true,
“FontSize”: 16,
“FontTypefaceImport”: “QuestrialR.ttf”,
“Text”: “{labelHoriAbc}”,
“TextColor”: 4285423198

Hello @Muhendis_Matematik,

If you used the Template Creator, this is my fault. [#6babb3] didn’t fix the said issue and I didn’t disclose that to anyone. At first I thought it worked, but I was also testing basic colors. There was another issue created on GitHub for this recently and I will take a further look into it this week.

A temporary solution for now is to set colors after the component is created.

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thank you .

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