Dynamic Components and Check Box

Still giving the same error … I couldn’t ;(

Debug your blocks using do it option to know what replace all segments block retruns.

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When clicking on the checkbox to save to TinyDB I am having this error below. I need your help. thank you!

Here when you are replacing the checkbox id with the label , you replaced it with the CardView id instead, so this error happen, take a look about the text you are replacing the check box id with, is it the label text?

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Yes, everything checked. But error continues. Does not store checkbox markup in tinydb

I think it’s working now, as it returned the label text, but it doesn’t store , because it looks like the variable you are trying to store in is set to false, it should be a list.

It is like an empty list

Have you set it some where else to false, there is no other reson.

I took a look at the blocks here, and it really doesn’t have any other place configured as false.

Really strange ? Can you send an aia for test ? or you can send your screen block’s picture

I can send an AIA. yes but can i send you the private?

Yes you can.

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