Dynamic components slow loading

I have not knowledge of mysql and js . And is there problem with server or dynamic components (Making much dynamic cardview in less time)?

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I also experienced the same problem.

Try to use Image Utilities for loading image to minimise the time to load dynamic components

I am using Image utility then also image takes more then 30s to load.

Image utility is used to stop application lag when they load not for load fast

Then try using the Dynamic Components Extension Extension by @yusufcihan. It also in has lot of more features…

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Hmm I can’t understand how to use there blocks it’s look very complicated. But now i try to use
Thanks @themaayur

You can use this for reference :wink:

I have made a guide using this extension of 5 different Listviews.

This may help you.

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Yes it help me but i was already know about this thread Thanks for your help but that’s not my solution Dear!

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Can you tell how are you using the dynamic components in your app.

I was make app design like youtube not exact but similar by kodular dynamic components but when i load 80+ records it seams to crash application and when i only call 10-15 data it takes 5-10 sec and show data successfully.

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Just load 10 at a time and when user reached bottom load again next data

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How to do it i can’t know that procedure will u please help me plz

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You can use vertical scroll handler extension by colin tree.

I already used it but I can’t understand how to load next data when scroll down .

when you get data from airtable check if it is greater than 10, if true
save it in a global variable.
load the first ten.
When vertical scroll handler reached bottom then,
load the next ten

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have you got the solution?
I create dynamic components in more than 2000 arrangements, it is very slow.
I think the cause is when creating the component, not when it loads the data.
is there any logic?

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The original poster is suspended until August 16 3020 , therefore, they can’t answer you till then.

You might want to try to use the Dynamic components extension, to load your data as suggested before :slightly_smiling_face::

You can also use @DevYB’s image loader to load images:




My solution (not the only one) is to dynamically create only what is being displayed on the screen.
So when the user touches and you need to show another arrangement create it dynamically at that time.

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