Edit or Modify the AAB file

yeah it will work same but i dont have mac So you can try it

you forgot to add “-o” for out put

Yeah you was using old version delete that version first and redownload it from main post

Not working with some extensions. A simple App is converted successfully and its working. But when I put an important extension, app crashed. I have used bundletool to test aab file.

Don’t know why kodular not updating to API 30
Whenever we post anything about it, they just close the topic and make it unlisted.

ya if the solution is to just change AndroidManifest.xml then why does not kodular change it.
one post said we must wait till november.

Only with deep host extension

There is no problem even i done for my app it contains more 30+ extension

Don’t use any extension from Deep Host

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This post have better answer of your question

as i remember, upgrade of android have two step, in august till the november you can upgrade your apk (if this apk made before 1st aigust and plased on google play market), and from 1 november you can use only apk, builded on new version of android.

Sorry I Did not get you please Elaborate . :sweat_smile:

its ok, i think both of us dont speak english well, but me is mutch worstier :rofl:

help me

go thought this :point_up_2:

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show me full output it is half from down side


I did not used deephost. I used enhanced extension

If I am not wrong then Kodular has patch the enhanced extension now you can’t use it

Correct me if I am wrong

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What is your operating system version

I Did not Find any Post regarding This, Please Share if You Find

Well this was in Kodular update pinned post

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How Can i convert apk to aab from phone ??

I guess :thinking: that not possible but you can try with Termux app maybe you can do it