Email Verification

I’ll add Email Verification to your App. I’ll use NO EXTENSION. I’ll completely make that with Blocks. Also, the Email will surely not go to SPAM as it does in other Extensions. All of these only $3! You can even use the same Blocks up in other Apps also.

Contact me to Get this amazing thing now!

Before users give you their money show a proof of concept. You are new here so how do they know they can trust you and know you have the know how?


This makes NO SENSE! If I either show BLOCKS, then why will anyone even buy from me? They’ll directly get a Rebuilt Version! If needed I can provide you AIA personally or generate an APK here!

Please read again @parikman04
No need to show the blocks public.
But maybe a concept picture?

If you want to sell something then you should tell people reasons to buy it from you.