Enhancer : A powerful tool to change API level, inject assets, dex, manifest, resources & native (.so) libraries and sign the APK

Use Kodular keystore.

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The Last Question.
How can i check this version that it successfully converted into into android 14 and 34 targetsdk??

Also Tell me best apk to aab converter.

I leave another alternative

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If the above shows any error any app then i will try this method

Such an accusation cannot be made without foundation.
Express your problem clearly and show what the real problem is that you have with playstore

Please share your issues here, so we can learn from it.

What is the detail in the status of your policies?

It looks like you have no idea what you are talking about…

Fix your project, see especially tip 2 here General Tips and Tricks for App Inventor/Kodular concerning this

and respect the Google policies
Then use the tool and you should be fine



Thanks for Your Information and Solution

your Google report says something else
what about clicking that link “Go to Policy status” to find out, what exactly is the issue with the policy violation?


I have superpassed app with new update so can’t se right now

Google Login failed in app.
I tried Enchancer and the result did not change. I added the keystore file every time. I tried converting aab from apk but the result is the same. Could it be that Authentication SDK 34 does not support it?

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check that

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unfortunately not working

V2.0.0 is released.

:feather: Features

  • Change target API level.
  • Inject assets files.
  • Inject native (.so) libraries.
  • Inject dex files.
  • Inject extra resources.
  • Inject manifest.xml file.
  • Sign the apk using your keystore file.

Everyone please test it and share feedback.

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“‘java’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.”
error shows up while Enhance typed in powershell

do you have JDK8 installed?

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Ok this useful

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I confirm that it works fine…
Google Play received my app, updated to API 34 - Android 14

Thank you !


my app has google sign up option, after changing the api level google sign up doesn’t work, please help me with a solution.