Enhancer : A powerful tool to change API level, inject assets, dex, manifest, resources & native (.so) libraries and sign the APK

:flashlight: Enhancer

A powerful tool to inject assets, dex, manifest, resources & native (.so) libraries and sign the apk.


:feather: Features

  • Change targetSdkVersion
  • Inject assets files
  • Inject native (.so) libraries
  • Inject dex files
  • Inject extra resources
  • Inject manifest.xml file.
  • Sign the apk using your keystore file


Note: Before installing Enhancer, make sure that you’ve JDK 8 or above installed.


In PowerShell, run:

iwr https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jewelshkjony/Enhancer/2.0.0/install.ps1 -useb | iex

Linux and macOS

  1. In the terminal, run:

    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jewelshkjony/Enhancer/2.0.0/install.sh -fsSL | sh
  2. To run Enhancer write chmod +x Enhancer.sh on terminal.

Quick start

Now, that you’ve installed Enhancer, let’s try this tool.

  1. Open the terminal and write Enhancer.
    This will show you some prompts.

    • Enter apk path: Set the path of the apk or drag the apk file here.
    • Enter keystore path: Set the keystore path or drag the keystore file here. Enhancer tool will use this keystore file to sign your apk.
    • Want to change SDK version? Y/N: Write Y if you want to change targetSdkVersion. If you’ve entered Y then it’ll ask for enter compileSdkVersion & compileSdkVersionCodeName.
    • Want to inject assets? Y/N : If you want to inject assets file so write Y now it’ll ask for the directory path of asstes files.
    • Want to inject native libraries? Y/N : If you want to inject (.so) native libraries so write Y now it’ll ask for the directory path of native libraries.
    • Want to inject dex files? Y/N : If you want to inject .dex files so write Y now it’ll ask for the path of dex file. If you want to inject multiple files, separate the paths with commas.
    • Want to inject extra resources? Y/N : If you want to inject any additional resources so write Y now it’ll ask for resources directory path. It’ll follow the name of directory to inject. If you want to inject multiple directory, separate the directory paths with commas.
    • Want to inject manifest.xml? Y/N : If you want to inject AndroidManifest.xml write Y and set the path of Manifest.xml.
  2. If you only want to sign the apk and don’t want to inject anything so write N on every prompts. So the tool will skip the injecting process. When you’re only signing the apk so the output apk will override the origianl apk. And if you’re injecting assets or native (.so) libraries so the tool will provide a new apk (originalApk-enhanced.apk).

  3. That’s it, now you can install the generated apk.

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Brilliant work man !!!:clap:

1 Like

How to generate aab file or how to do these settings in aab file

Use any apk to aab converter.


This is showing this error

Please make sure that JDK is also installed.

How to install JDK

Also is this safe. Like pc wouldn’t be affected with any viruses and other things

1 Like

Can provide a detailed video on how to change the api. and Also is this safe method to use


Now it is asking for enter compilesdk version what should i need to type there. and Also TargetSdkVersion and What is the CompileSdk Version Code Name.

Waiting for response

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compileSdkVersion 34
compileSdkVersionCodeName 14

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What is native libraries should i need to add them ??

In Simple targetsdk changing can i need to add native libraries

No, set N when it’s asking for injecting native libraries and assets.

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It is saying that 32 bit support is deprecated. Apktool will not support 32bit on v3.0.0.

Now it showing
successfully processed 1 Apks and 0 errors in 5.48 seconds.

Also should i need to use kodular keystore in this app or another one.

Also Suggest me best apk to aab converter that must be available on playstore

Use Kodular keystore.

1 Like

The Last Question.
How can i check this version that it successfully converted into into android 14 and 34 targetsdk??

Also Tell me best apk to aab converter.