Error 908 it is possible not to display it?

good morning guys in an app I have the error of which I am attaching an image. The error cannot be eliminated and therefore every time you start the app it shows up. Is it possible through some block to make sure that the error is not visible?

Show your screen initi block

Try like this, once you asked permission, next time while check up whether it is granted or not. If not ask again

In the process just change the permission name alone

Sorry, but I did not understand

first time ask permission in screen init

second time while screen init check up whether permission is allowded or not.

can you please give an example on my block?


old block:

so what would my new block look like?

Working properly for me , only not for you
If there is no method used for on permission denied and screen error occurred then it will automatically show error , Error comes when there is no answer for query of on permission denied, So according to me you should use on permission denied event
(Note : If you will use on permission denied block donot keep it empty , do anything , but keep it in mind that donot keep it empty )

If you just don’t want to get the error displayed without solving the problem, just use the “Error occurred” block in the Screen Section and leave it blank.

But this will suppress all errors!

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hi friend, which of the two blocks above works for you, the old one or the one with modifications?

also inserting the block error occurred the error appears the same


There is no permission android.permission.RECORD_VIDEO on Android.

It should be android.permission.CAMERA

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if instead of android.permission.RECORD_VIDEO I change and put android.permission.CAMERA the app does not start

My VideoCall aia does not have issues !

does not give you error 908 as soon as it switches to the second screen?

No , unknown notifier does not support mi (android 11)

in fact i have android 11

Mi not Samsung and Nokia