Error after importing project from thunkable

hello all, i imported my project from thunkable . the thunkable project was already on playstore. after updating the app from makeroid i put it on playstore and after updating the app from playstore im getting this error .please help/ the app is installed but is not visible in the app list neither it is opening

It’s a bug with Thunkable.

I may have an idea why this happens. I will take a look in to this

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I assume that you import the aia and the did “Save project as…”, right?

What happens when you rename the .aia file to thunkable_yourappname and then try to export the apk. I think it works then

I first imported the aia from thunkable then imported the keystore then saved as thunkable_Ufology and exported it as apk then uploaded the apk on playstore and it installed but not visible and running on phones.

@hitesh, delete the project and try to rename the aia and upload the aia

Hi, I would like to go on in developing a project with makeroid; the first apk is already on playstore and I created it in Thunkable.
I cannot import the aia file in makeroid, even if I suppressed the admob component, being the other ones common between Th. and Mak.
I use some extensions from taifun’s collection, the FAB button extension by sanders/pavitra, Firebase Authentication Extension by Mirxtrem and image editor by mika.
The aia is loaded only for the designer and not for the blocks, this is the error :

Could someone help me?

We already have image editor and FAB as components, try removing those extensions and try importing again.

Thanks, if that is is the case I have to think about it , though, because they are deeply connected to the core of the program logic and code. Nonetheless I will try , especially if a better firebase component should be readied.

I have one Firebase Component almost ready, but when I start an app with it. The app crashes.:pensive: I am going to try to fix that today.

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Done! in fact the only conflicting extension is image editor, besides AdMob, after removing them no more error on loading blocks. I keep FAB as ext for practical purpose. In the next days I’m gonna check the app mechanics and change package name to restore the published one.
But I need more explications about AdMob as I see some changes and I 'll open another topic about, Thanks again