Error_extension_error = 3300;

From one moment to another companion throws me this error. I have the @Taifun image extension, but I already used it in my project and I have not used it again, I do not know why it throws me this error, I only add any component and it tells me this when I put the companion.

Show the error

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yes it’s showing error 3300

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Show the blocks

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Unfortunately I can’t show the blocks because it’s a private project, but where I use the extension is on a screen that I haven’t edited for a while, I don’t use it in more places, I use it to compress images.

The error is simply a message that says “Extension error 3300, no component could be loaded.” and it does not make any component appear, only the empty screen appears.

Sometimes I get the error, but then I clear the cache, delete the assets folder of the companion and other tricks and it stops showing, but sometimes it persists. I think this is a bug

used screen error block (only drag and drop)