Error loading data


I would like to load my side menu with the user’s photo, name and email. I made the blocks below but it is giving error.

In my bank, the data is arranged like this

Can someone help me?

Global nome getting value after web1 got text , then how can you use it in screen init? It will throw select list item from list error. Move the name name and email to last part in text

Sorry, I did not get it

Would it be this?

Please remove it…

It’s giving this error here. Only the name is showing.

Your list is telling you are having only one item. Make sure how many items are there in the list. Use length of the list block to cross verify it

Pls see the Do it… All are telling only one item (gmail id)

GSR the purpose of this screen is as if it were the welcome where his name, email and image appears. I wanted only his name and photo to appear, that is, every time I make a change in the registration, either email and photo would appear on this screen.
My question is suppose I have more than one user. If I do it this way, the name of all registered users will appear on the label and not “Carlos Alberto Leonel”. I want him and his image to appear only. How do I do it?

To do this, you can use tinydb…

When user registration success save the required details in tinydb and recall it in screen init whenever he open the app.

No need to connect with firebase(it will give all the name)

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Worked, thank you. Now I have a doubt. I switched Cloudinary for image storage to Firebase Storage.
My rules configuration looks like this:



When I take a picture it gives this message:


This would be what?

why ask other builder questions in Kodular community?

Please excuse me. I did it in the wrong place.