Error message appears

So it has nothing to do with Floating View, somewhere you have a block


I cleaned up blocks and the error still appears

Pls do this, Blocks section>right click on mouse>and upload the same , we will let you know the where you commit the mistake


How can this block (Select List Item) run although I disabled Initialize home screen block? :slightly_smiling_face:

What has to do with screen.initialize block?

suppose if you call any database or web in screen initia then follow up blocks will get affect and could cause this error too. Clock component, database…


:nerd_face: :face_with_monocle:

I guess, you will have this much of blocks thats why you are getting such error. Pls show us only screen init block without hiding anything…

It is hard to tell you further untill you share the screen init… Do one thing… disable only the blocks what you have shoed to us in post 1 from screen inti and test it

You must be kidding :slight_smile: Expand your blocks …we are not :mage:


In the case of a database, i think only When Database Changed blocks will cause this error, there is no Select List Item block in only one When Database Changed Block I used
For Clocks i have no timmer enabeld as adefoult value .

If you have any issue to share the blocks what we have asked you, then pls check up just like we suggest in post 2 and post11

:grinning: I thought that Moderator could see inside closed black boxes like :mage:

I hope this is not good practice, untill you share even moderator cannot see your hidden blocks.

Of course, I don’t have the slightest problem with showing the blocks, by this way I learned from you here in Kodular community (by showing the blocks from others).
But if you look carefully, you will find that they are very many, more than 2000 blocks, which will make more chaos and will take a very long time to arrange them until you can see them.

No one Can see inside closed black boxes @Still-learning, It was for fun :slightly_smiling_face:

I think,You misunderstand us… No issue… We asked you to share only screen intialise block… you can delete the post no 24… no use of it :smiley:

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It seems like you are wasting everyone’s time or just trolling.

Either post your relevant blocks or stop posting altogether.


Why are you saying I’m wasting time? :neutral_face:
I think that whoever wants to share with me or help me in what I publish will do so, and I thank him very much
And whoever doesn’t want that is not to blame, so I don’t waste anyone’s time

You are not posting anything useful or helpful.

Post a clear picture of the relevant blocks you need help with.

Do you have enough time to review more than 2000 blocks, Or would this be a waste of your time?? :face_with_monocle: