Error parsing data received from the airtable

I’m having trouble parsing data received from Airtable, the IF result is always being “else” even the name already existing in the airtable table. Can someone help me

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I dont understand your question… Try to explain with an example…

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I am unable to understand the use of the blocks, marked in below picture (1 & 2). What happens if you remove them?

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I am trying to login, considering that the emails are already registered with the airtable. However, I am not able to parse line by line received in the result.

can you remove those blocks mentioned in my above reply and try again?

I tried. Unfortunately I did not succeed.

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Can you post the image here after you removed them?

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So you want a login system using airtable. ??

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Ok that’s the idea

this is the concept of login system… try and let me know… i don’t have any test file but, soon i will make a login and registration template using airtable, i’ll share here after that.

for now try this -

  • fetch all email and password from your database and store it in a global variable.
  • then first check if email is available in the global email list, if yes then count the position, * then use that position no to check the password from the global password list,
  • if the password also matched then store a value using tiny db (if you want auto login), and then redirect user where ever you want