I have searched the community before posting this. Looks like many faced this issue but I couldn’t resolve it.
I get the following error when generating APK
Kodular is unable to compile this project.
The compiler error output was
________Preparing application icon
________Creating animation xml
________Creating fragment xml
________Creating listview xml in res/layout/…
________Creating listview xml in res/layout-v21/…
________Creating xml in res/drawable/…
________Creating splash png in res/drawable/…
________Creating colors xml
________Creating styles xml
________Creating drawables xml v21
________Checking for firebase
________________Firebase components found.
________________Firebase config file error.
Where is what I have done so far:
- Made sure the google-services.json file is uploaded to the assets.
- Completely deleted the Firebase project and recreated a new one.
- Tried this component on an empty Kodular project.
- Deleted the JSON file and reupload it.