Error when Notifications Component is used

I waited for this version i thought the problem will be solved in this version. Now to wait for next version… How long will it take ??

Im sorry to tell you this but, you need to be patient. The developers work on this as a hobby, not their job. Not to be rude but, you wasted your time waiting for this version if you were waiting for this bug to be fixed, as I dont see any others who reported it, as I said earlier just wait and maybe youll get what you want.


You don’t need to check if it’s true. That block returns value in true or false.

Do you think it only responds with a true?

Think about it, it can only give one type of boolean as the output, so .ArePermissionsGranted will usually only see a True output without the equals, you always use either the not block or equals false when you’re detecting if something is false, use the normal block to detect if true!

I’m not saying it by my own. I also used to think that it should be used with a equal to block but see what @Mika said here :point_down:

Also, I want to ask you one thing, why are you always in a “Ready to fight” mode? :sweat_smile:

I guess a part of my attitude bothers you, you have to keep some inside your body when you’re ready :joy: In my family, its natural, my cousins is worse then my own.

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