Error while verifying Apache Ant install

Hello All,
I am following this guide by @Shreyash -

Configuring your computer to build App Inventor 2 extensions | by Shreyash Saitwal | Medium

But when I try to verify Apache Ant Install it gives me this error -


( I am on Windows 10 )

Maybe this might help

But the person has not explained how he solved the problem

did you add the ant bin path in the path variable?

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Show me your ant directory, where did you unzip it ?

Have you set ANT_HOME in variables to C:\Users\arnavb\Desktop… as shown in your image ? Also as did you add it to Path and CLASSPATH?

See mine leads to the directory I unzipped ant


ant the path variable?

But the address is C:\Users\arnavb\Desktop\ExtensionDev\apache-ant-1.10.10-bin\apache-ant1.10.10


done but still not working


did you add %ANT_HOME%\bin to Path and CLASSPATH?


I believe you added to user’s variables Path and not to system variables Path see

See mine configuration

Create a folder on C disk named Ant and move your apache-ant-1.10.10 to Ant folder you have created on C disk then try to set the variable as @dora_paz said. Then run the command


done but no change

May you please post here your new variables or new ant folder path’s screenshots