Exoplayer, how to make it work?

I was playing around with the exoplayer and audiopicker. I made these blocks.

But when i run it i get a list of only the ringtones and alarmsounds on my phone. I can’t select one and when i press ok i get an error message. Error 1602 Unable to copy selected media.

Can someone tell me what i am doing wrong.

Makeroid Builder has some problems with Audio Picker and Playing sound.

I tried using Audio Picker but unfortunately, it was unable to pick any sound. (Only ringtones are shown but they they are not picked).

Please fix this issue or provide us with an example block.

@Mika, did you make this extension?

Yes and its a component :smiley:


Is there anything i am doing wrong with it?

I dont think so.
Does it work for you with a File from Internet?
Radio stream / mp3 File.

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Online mp3 works.

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Great thing for streaming music but I feel it is missing TimeBar for Exoplayer which is really a good feature to be added so con you please add it in component.


Good news @Peter
After 1 year I found time to fix the bugs :smiley:
In the next major release the audio picker works with exoplayer together :smiley:

But I can not say anything for the audio picker list selection.
Because what you see on the list there depends on your android version.
There is no option for us which audio files should be in the list.


Thank you for fixing it. Also on behalf of all other Kodular users. :crazy_face: