Export apk error

error when export apk


Could you show the log?

Log mean? I did not understand anything

Press the View Log button and copy the log here.

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this error apk export this is the log down::point_down:


He/She means click “View Log”

this error apk export this is the log down::point_down:


That is not the full error.

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Can you try the following fixes:

  • Refresh the builder tab and try compiling again.
  • Try compiling using Chrome.
  • Restart your computer and apply the 2 fixes above.
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I’m trying 10-15 times restart my pc and refresh builder tab but not fix bug

Can you send me your .aia file?

i send aia file please check and notified

SpintoCashMN.aia (1.1 MB)

I looked at your .aia and the first thing I noticed was this:

I also get an internal error when trying to switch to the Wallet screen. I assume that you used the AdMob component on this screen?

If you created your project in another builder, you should remove AdMob component from that builder before you import into Makeroid, then try again.


Yes solve it but now ads not showing