Exporting ais from Kodular Creator

I have an app having 10 screens. - Screen1,Screen2,Screen3,Screen4,Screen5,Screen6,Screen7,Screen8,Screen9,Screen10
I wish to export ais of Screen5, Screen8, Screen10
When I export ais of the above screens, I end-up getting ais for Screen1. I don’t know what mistake I am doing.
Need help please.

Are you clicking this option?:

Don’t click the second last one, that only exports the current screen.

The option you higlighted exports aia of the project.
I am clicking the second last option (Export selected screen (.ais ) to my computer) because I simply want to export current Screen (say Screen5 or Screen8) and I want to use this exported .ais of Screen in another project.
Please guide.

I can’t replicate your problem, but I think you should try this by decompiling the AIA.

  • Export the AIA of your project, rename it to a ZIP, then open it.

  • Copy the src and youngandroidproject folders.

  • Create a new ZIP file with the name as Your project name_your screen name.zip, such as KodularCommunity_Screen2.zip. The best way to create a ZIP file is to create a TXT file, then rename it to ZIP.

  • Paste the two folders into the new ZIP. On my machine I cannot paste the files directly in a ZIP, so I pasted them on my desktop, then dragged them into the new ZIP file.

  • In the new ZIP file, go to src/io/kodular/<youremail>/<yourprojectname>, and you will see a list of files.


For me, I would like to generate an AIS of Screen2, so the only files I keep are Screen2.bky and Screen2.scm. Delete the other files in the folder, such as Screen1.bky.

  • Create a new file on your Desktop called Screen2.txt. Rename it into Screen2.yail, then drag it into the src/io/kodular/<youremail>/<yourprojectname> folder, along with the files Screen2.bky and Screen2.scm. There should be NOTHING inside the Screen2.yail file.

  • Rename the ZIP from ZIP to AIS.

Make sure to add all extensions for the screen before you import the AIS file. Tested and working!

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