Exporting Kodular AIA and Importing to App Inventor Not Possible

As of now, when I try to import my kodular projects into app inventor 2 or thunkable or appybuilder, I get the following error:

“This project was saved with a newer version of the AppyBuilder system. We will attempt to load the project, but there may be compatibility issues.”

And this sucks, because there is a feature from app inventor that I want to test and which is not possible with kodular. Do any of you guys have an idea on how to fix/avoid/bypass or circumvent this issue?

Any help is much appreciated!

remove all extensions and all Kodular specific components, then try again


Thanks Taifun.

I dont use extensions.
My app heavily uses CardViewer so I cant remove that.

“Unable to find component MakeroidCardViewer…”

Remove all components related to Kodular, remove components that are specific to Kodular.

Btw, why do you want to leave from Kodular?


I dont want to leave. There is a project in app inventor that allows you to export your app as java and further work/explore the code. I would like to see my app in Java code and app inventor has this feature.

Is there any other way to do this with kodular projects?

No you can not do that with a Kodular app if you use Kodular specific components. With this project you can only translate app inventor components and code.


I thought so @Peter

Removed this extension for admob extension

I just said I cant remove it…

if you cant delete itb then it will not work Delete the view but let the blocks in the editor what you put in the view components. Upload the aia and than reinstall the card view as an extension again and put the block together again what you need. Finished

The cardview is a component not an extension so it can not be installed in App Inventor.

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yes but you get it as an extension. i saw it i think in appyforum but it costs 5 dollar or 10.

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