Extension Smart Notification Permissions for FREE

NotifPermissions: Smart Notification Permissions Manager

Version: 5
Category: Extension
Visibility: Non-Visible
Description: A comprehensive solution for managing notification permissions across all Android versions. This extension supports the new notification permissions introduced in Android 13 (API level 33) and provides a simple way to check, request, and handle notification access permissions.

📥 Download

NotifPermissions.aix (8.7 KB)

🛠️ Features

  • Check if notification permission is granted on the device.
  • Request notification permission if needed (supports Android 13+).
  • Open notification settings to manage app-specific notifications.
  • Handle permission result through events.
  • Supports all Android versions, including the latest (Android 13+).

📚 Functions & Usage

:one: Check if Notification Permission is Granted

boolean hasPermission = HasNotificationPermission();

Checks if notification permission is granted.

:two: Request Notification Permission


Requests the user for notification permission (only on Android 13+).

:three: Open Notification Settings


Opens the notification settings screen for the app.

:four: Check if Runtime Permission is Needed

boolean needsPermission = NeedsRuntimePermission();

Returns true if the Android version requires runtime permission for notifications (Android 13+).

:five: Open App System Settings


Opens the app-specific settings screen where users can manage all app settings, including notification permissions.

📢 Events

  • PermissionGranted - Triggered when notification permission is granted.
  • PermissionDenied - Triggered when notification permission is denied.
  • ShowRationale - Triggered to show a rationale explaining why the app needs notification access.

🔧 Example Usage

Kodular Example:

  1. Import the extension.
  2. Use HasNotificationPermission() to check the current permission status.
  3. If permission is not granted, use RequestNotificationPermission() to request it.
  4. Handle the PermissionGranted and PermissionDenied events to update the app accordingly.

📌 Notes

✅ Supports all Android versions.
✅ Optimized for Android 13 (API level 33) and newer.
✅ Handles permission requests and user rationale gracefully.

🔥 Download Now:

NotifPermissions.aix (8.7 KB)

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