NotifPermissions: Smart Notification Permissions Manager
Version: 5
Category: Extension
Visibility: Non-Visible
Description: A comprehensive solution for managing notification permissions across all Android versions. This extension supports the new notification permissions introduced in Android 13 (API level 33) and provides a simple way to check, request, and handle notification access permissions.
📥 Download
➡NotifPermissions.aix (8.7 KB)
🛠️ Features
- Check if notification permission is granted on the device.
- Request notification permission if needed (supports Android 13+).
- Open notification settings to manage app-specific notifications.
- Handle permission result through events.
- Supports all Android versions, including the latest (Android 13+).
📚 Functions & Usage
Check if Notification Permission is Granted
boolean hasPermission = HasNotificationPermission();
Checks if notification permission is granted.
Request Notification Permission
Requests the user for notification permission (only on Android 13+).
Open Notification Settings
Opens the notification settings screen for the app.
Check if Runtime Permission is Needed
boolean needsPermission = NeedsRuntimePermission();
Returns true if the Android version requires runtime permission for notifications (Android 13+).
Open App System Settings
Opens the app-specific settings screen where users can manage all app settings, including notification permissions.
📢 Events
- PermissionGranted - Triggered when notification permission is granted.
- PermissionDenied - Triggered when notification permission is denied.
- ShowRationale - Triggered to show a rationale explaining why the app needs notification access.
🔧 Example Usage
Kodular Example:
- Import the extension.
- Use
to check the current permission status. - If permission is not granted, use
to request it. - Handle the
events to update the app accordingly.
📌 Notes
✅ Supports all Android versions.✅ Optimized for Android 13 (API level 33) and newer.
✅ Handles permission requests and user rationale gracefully.
🔥 Download Now:
NotifPermissions.aix (8.7 KB)