[DISCONTINUED] Extension to download file(s) to ASD (app-specific directory) without WRITE permission

It’s not working in Kodular Fenix… I checked this and then told you here. Please check yourself.

It works fine with Kodular Fenix.

I checked it on Android 11 and 9 as well.

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Ok, now it’s working…

And one more thing

I want to show a downloading progress bar in percentage value But how can I do this using ASD.

Then let us know why it didn’t work before and why I had to answer multiple times unnecessarily.

I also don’t know. when I have uploaded it to the play console and then install it from there then I found that this are working properly. Before that I also was confused. Sorry for intrupption

Now, please tell me about downloading progress bar if you can. I Promise this will be my last question until I got another problem :sweat_smile:

22 posts were split to a new topic: Custom download extension

DownloadToAsd extention is superb but im trying to open pdf file form this extension

Try this: downloadToASDnoNotif2.apk (5.5 MB)


Do you used some extension to view pdf via web viewer?
Could you please share the link of that extension, it could be a great help

Try this


It worked thank you


Can you add download progress block? It’s badly needed​:sneezing_face: great work​:white_heart:

I want to change my files location.
My present files location is- Phone storage > Android > data > com.my.app > files > My Documents > Pictures > image.png

I want to change my location. - Phone storage > My App > image.png

how is possible?

How to show the progress of the download when using this extension… using notifier?

I think its not possible with the current blocks. You can show a notification when download completed.

May be the extension developer can add some events/methods to show progress also an error event to show error when download fails.

Yes, I haven’t added this feature (yet). I currently have little time and would have to delve deeper into the subject :face_with_monocle: (since I’m still more of a beginner with Java).


how to download assets file in ASD error “can only download http/https url”


I’ve now added this Progress feature and also two new methods

  • to check if the file is already downloaded (exists) and
  • delete the downloaded file again.

I’ll upgrade this version soon.


It’s done now.