[F/OS] - Dynamic Components Extension (for every component) 2.3.0

Looks like you have more than one instance of DynamicComponents in the same screen, because I see “DynamicComponents2”. Every instance keeps their own list of the created components, so it is not shared. Make sure you selected the same instance in the Create block and the same instance in the IsDynamic block.

Also, when you update extensions, the extensions’ internal code is also updated, so there won’t be an “old version” to use (if you don’t downgrade manually) Extension updates are applied to the whole app/project, not a single instance or screen. You don’t have to worry about updating extensions as long as there are no blocks or features removed.

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We could make the list shared by making it static. Perhaps we could explore this as an option for the final release?

EDIT: Making something static with App Inventor actually causes that variable to be shared over multiple screens, not instances (if I remember correctly).

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I’m 50/50. If that happens, it may cause less confusion*, however it will make the instances totally pointless. And making the components list shared can be considered a breaking change (which I’m not a fan of, especially when considering it will be the final release), as there is no restriction of using the same ID in different instances.

* I don’t if “confusion” is the right word here. TinyDB uses shared data between other instances having the same namespace, but that behavior can be confusing either.

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I can see how this is perceived as being bad, however, no screen should display the same data as another. It would be redundant. Identifiers are used to make something stand out, even when used with something similar!

Edit: I’m not sure how you meant this, but to clarify my reason – the same identifier wouldn’t be able to be used across the project.

This is more of a problem with how App Inventor named it. I remember first using AI2, and also being confused with the implementation of the component. The lack of explanation caused confusion, but if you describe a feature the right way, then that won’t be a problem.

hello hi
i was wondering what i would need to do to make line strings for the map. useing DC.
how would i set lats and longs and line size/color


Use html property for that .

Enable HTML text and use html code that text

I am using this extension and it save a lot of work. Thanks for that.
I am working in an app that has a table that show a text box beside a label. I have two questions about that, because I am looking for the answers but I can’t find it.
Above I send an image of my blocks and it works fine.
The questions are:

  1. How I can get the value of the text boxes, after the information is entered.
  2. I want the label and text box in separated each one in a column. How can I acomplish that?
    Thanks in advance for your help.

The IDs are used for accessing the component later. If you use a randomly generated ID, you may have a hard time finding out which component belongs to which ID. Instead, for these type of the cases, I recommend setting a fixed ID, so you can know which TextBox you want to access.


I’m not sure if I understood it correctly, but you can create arrangements dynamically and put components in these dynamically created arrangements.

Thanks for your help.
I’ve been looking for this block but I can’t find it, since in “any component” section there is no TextBox item.

“I’m not sure if I understood it correctly, but you can create arrangements dynamically and put components in these dynamically created arrangements.” About this is what I am doing, but neather the labels or text boxes are aligned and there is no way to stablish a width for textboxes (don’t appear in “any component”)

Never mind. I got it. Thanks for your valuable help.
Sorry if my questions little bit foolish.
Thanks again

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You’re welcome!

No question is foolish as long as it is asked in a good manner, it doesn’t matter if you are just getting started or already have knowledge! I and other community members are always here to help!

I am struggling to get text (value) of a text box.What event I need to use for that? I already try with the dynamic_textbox (included into the design view) event “on text changed” and it works fine but not with the extension.
After that I tried with any_text_box event “when any dynamic on text changed” but neither of those events work.
Thanks for your help.

If you are trying to use blocks from “Dynamic Components” which is the built-in feature of Kodular, that won’t work with this extension, these two are completely different, and they store the created components separately. This extension only works with the components that created by the extension itself.


Instead, for events, you need to use “when any” events from “Any Component” category.

Thanks for your help

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Bahi jan very slow create the component tell me speed create components

See the attached video

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how to do you create the dynamic components? show us your procedure
 also official language is english only else your post will be removed from community

Screenshot 2023-09-11 at 7.41.18 AM

The operation Create cannot accept the arguments: , [false], [Button], [111]
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.

Can anyone help here?

This shouldn’t happen, make sure that you are using the latest version. If you are already using the latest version, can you try restarting the companion?

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