[F/OS] - Dynamic Components Extension (for every component) 2.3.0

I know. Im using unique ID for each component (it generates id1,id2
 and so on) no problem with that.
I am just saying that when ‘List’ contains two cells with same input as in the pic above (test,test) i get ‘ID exist’ error and when I put in the list different input like (test,test2) its working great and its wierd


Hi!.. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong but I can’t even reproduce the example blocks
To the second “Do it” that message appears and the text doesn’t even show

you need to “Do it” the “set text” block fr that

I think you must add event listeners to the extensions, will be great:+1: although there r ways to handle events but native blocks by extension will be great, i tried to put it in using source code but cannot get the id of component inside event( because i dont know how to create extension and all i did was copied event on click listener code)

hey @yusufcihan
can you add in future version “change component ID” block?
like if I want to remove some component and still to keep the right order by updating all the rest (without using the remove all and re-build)

Of course!

If you mean the component’s own events, then I don’t think that will be possible because not all component has same events.

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Thanks a lot. it will save us to remove all components while app is runing

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Hi, I read all the documentation and all the comments, but when I went to create my project, I get this error:

Could you tell me where I’m going wrong? I understand that it is a fixed ID for each component, but the example uses only one component.


Thank you for this incredible extension

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RemoveAll block causes runtime error. Any solution for deleting all?

If you really want to help the developer of the extension then share with him more details.
Error message, your blocks, else.


I used removeall block when a button clicks. It shows Runtime error when button clicks. Cant take screen shot in my mobile. Sorry

What kind of runtime error?

Runtime Error. That showing only

You must share image, so they may know what actually problem is.

just saying this in every time is not enough.

Is it possible to create something similar to this?


Actually Peter it’s really strange, it in actual just post and Runtime error with end application button

You can use for each loop along with Remove block. I’m aware of that RemoveAll block causing some problems.


Yeah, still broken

You can try this however, red my comment some post below

or check discussion on telegram


Is it possible to add a function for future updates, whether the input is a dynamic component or not?

(I know we can check it with the ID and a complex way but if we have a block like this, we can use it for the “AnyComponent Clicked” Event and we can check it with a easy way if one of the clicked component an dynamic component is or the build-in component