[F/OS] - Dynamic Components Extension (for every component) 2.3.0

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This extension is the best. Use it to make barcode cards and to print them on printer. Congratulations to the developer and beta testers. I speak Spanish, if you don’t understand something sorry :slight_smile:


Hi, what is the name for internal space component?

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Use “SpaceView”


And how can I set width to fill parent?

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Use “-2” in Values

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OK thank you and I wanted to create a dynamic radio button and wanted to uncheck it if it it checked like if it is checked and clicked it should get uncheck and if it is uncheck and clicked then checked how do I do it?

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Have you removed remove all block in version 4?

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You should read the release notes. Always


Yes because it was causing errors. Use for each loop to remove the all components.


And also for some strange reason icon of your extension doesn’t appear.

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Ok, I fixed it. That was because I changed my website files :sweat_smile:


What about this?

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Make it a procedure block then call them as much you want. Use for each number loop to create dynamic components for each items in a list.

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I tried using procedure but for number block i need to have something to place the number into

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Use length of list block


I tried that too
 my concern is that even i use that number block the variable in the block where should i use it ?

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You will get a variable from for each loop. Like “get number”. It can be used anywhere in inside the for each loop.

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How change a text to bold using set property blocks?

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Please post blocks so can i refer as im not able to repeat creating dynamic arrangements im just able to create it once

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