[F/OS] - Dynamic Components Extension (for every component) 2.3.0


  1. What does it mean. I don’t know Meaning of Invoke?

  2. How to set Button Height and Width in Percentage ?

Bug in v2.0

  1. List Details not showing all property. I tried for Button
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I think you didn’t understand how Json works.
The property are there.

Executes a method of any component. You can check the block description.

Use HeightPercent and WidthPercent properties.

I know about JSON’s
and I have Checked, it does not have any properties of Height and Width

Please Give Example


You’re right, just tested and Width and Height is not in the List Details.

But Im sure it will works too.

Just put it in the set property blocks.


Yes it will work. I am just Reporting the Bug


I will take a look into it, thanks.

How to use material icons in any label with you extension??? please help me

Why isn’t this working?

Are you sure the label with that ID is created in advance?


Yes it is. I have created the dynamic label inside a dynamic cardView.

And are you removing the ids anywhere in-between?

I am asking this because in my case it happened like when any label clicked I opened another screen with that label’s text and also its index. But in another screen I used to get the text but while getting the index it displayed the same error as yours.
Upon checking I found that I mistakenly removed the label id before getting the index and so was the error.

Can you check if the GetComponent block returns a component by using “Do It” feature on it?

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It returns nothing. I mean comment/ error like symbol is not shown.

Excuse me, Please, I need your support because this error is in Android Version 4.4 but in Android v.9 or 10 not exist this error, plase if you help me with this problem, thank you so much.

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Please update the extension to the latest version. I no longer use the “getParameterCount”.


Thank you so much!!! I can resolve this fix with your help, thank you Yusuf


i always get error “property setter was expecting a com.google.appinventor.component.runtime.Button component but got a intNum instead”

i used getComponent by id to set property button and my id is number, when i change id to be a string, the error said “peoperty setter 
 but got a string instead”.

i used version 2.0 and version testing also.

what should i do?

If you experience problems with the SetProperty block, use Any Component blocks.

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