[F/OS] - Dynamic Components Extension (for every component) 2.3.0

Read through the first post.

I did go through the first post.
And I understand that we can load components asynchronously by switching to UI thread.
But it doesn’t really work that way. Images take a lot of time to load, 7-8 seconds, they dont load asynchronously.

As described by Google themselves, the way to do it is correct. There’s nothing more you can do besides not have that many components all at once.

Hi I am trying to set property of a button to false but this not works.

I am using the name “BorderShadow” for the property.

Can you check this please

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You can always use a cardview as button and set elevation to 0

Could be a solution but if there is a bug the developer has to check and try to fix it.

Can you show your blocks?

I tried setting background to none and white but is the same, the shadow is true

This might be an issue because it’s asynchronous. Can you try changing the properties after the “ComponentBuilt” event is delegated, before changing the properties, compare the “id” parameter from the event to the id of the component you want to update.

if (id == 1) {
  // do stuff

Also to lessen the amount of blocks you’re required to use, for the “component” arguments for blocks which accept one, use the parameter named “component” from the “ComponentBuilt” event instead :)

I followed your steps but it still doesn’t work. I use component instead get component but dont work neither.

I tried with and extra button to trigger that action but nothing happen neither

Hi, this is very nice extension but I am getting this error again and again.

Expected a unique ID, got ‘vr1’.

How to fix it?

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use different ids for each component getting created.

did not work.
do you have any solution?

share your block, creating repeat IDs also shows this error.

How do you store the value given by the user in a dynamic textbox in mit app inventor. For example, I create a dynamic textbox using a button, then the user inputs a value, I want to store that value, how would that be possible?

Welcome to the community @Swarm_Robotics_Lab, solution already provided in MIT App Inventor’s community :slight_smile:

How to set multiple properties in Single block ???

reply as soon as posible

Create a dictionary with the properties that you want to use and then