[F/OS] - Dynamic Components Extension (for every component) 2.3.0

Thanks a lot, you are very kind @dora_paz , i have a little question, I need to use with the EnterPressed event, it’s wil working?.


Most probably, haven’t test it :slight_smile:

A query:
I am using dynamic cards and common cards views, how to identify the click between one and the other, I can’t know when the common card viewer is clicked, it goes to the component when a card viewer is clicked

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I am using dynamic components with this extension and common card viewer, when I click on a common card viewer I don’t know how to g

et its name or know what receipt was clicked …

For common cardviews - not dynamic you can create a dictionary and use value for key in order to identify cardview

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Hi all,

Can anyone share demo aia of dynamic component extension? I makes it easier to understand. I have to been trying to look for some good videos on youtube for this, but couldn’t find any.

Thanks in advance.

You will get many designs with dynamic component extensions , Free AIA template, UI Kit & Resource Download , UI/UX with Koder
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Thank you for your response. The links shared by you are indeed helpful and much appreciated.

However, they have example aia and apk of dynamic component of kodular and not this extension.

Can you share an aia of this extension so as to better understand, how to use this extension.

Can we use this extension to use webview as dynamic copnonent?

Thanks in advance.

You can find here a list

Thank you for your response.
I have few questions

Can you use this extension to create dynamic component of webview component of kodular?

google sheets is free to use. But if we load data from google sheets then how many queries or app request can google sheet address ? like everytime a user opens an app, a request will be sent. so there might be some limit.

thank you

How to set lable to Font Bold without uploading ttf file mean in asset folder font file

In Schema, name is required for metadata, to invoke SchemaCreated event.
Otherwise, it gives JSONException, no value for name
Either update TemplateCreator wiki or pass an empty string if the name key is not found.

Thanks, I updated the wiki.

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Hi koders

I have dynamically created cardviews, inside there are components like an image a button etc.

now i have made it full clickable and i can locate which cardview was pressed and bring up a notify.

However, I would like to be able to identify when the button is pressed and not the whole card view but I don’t know how because I can’t pass the parent component of the button to the procedure.

how you do it?

Kindly guide, how to start countdown? Output countdown data visible but countdown not started. I am confuse, How can i use clock component after this block.

Extension use:- CountdownExtension

See this blocks must go in when clock timers but you not did like that. If you want countdown to start mean there is in need of clock component

Thanks for your reply. What index value i choose in block during use of clock function. Dynamic data collect from airtable.

How to load components from this extension asynchronously?