[F/OS] - Dynamic Components Extension (for every component) 2.3.0

I try read but not solve.

I must be able to retrieve the information on the click of a dynamically created vista card,
i can read id but how can i read property values?

I tried with

but runtime error

how can i take value property?



If you can translate this to English, then people can help.

@stefano if you see the GetComponent block’s parameter then you can see it needs Id of the component that you want but you are giving a card view component at place of a Id

you are right

i try to english

i need a exemple read value “title”
how can i get value?

how write GetComponent Id Id?


Try this

thanks for help



Can you show me how you create your card views ?

You are using GetComponent block which expects an ID, but you are trying to insert a Component instead. If you already have the component object, (which in this case “component” variable) you don’t need to use GetComponent block.

GetComponent = Gets a component by ID.
GetID = Gets ID by a component.

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then so it should work but still gives this error


Replace get component id with getid component. See my blocks above


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thanks now


Switch the “comp” variable to “component” instead and it’ll work.

Also I recommend just removing the “comp” variable overall because there isn’t a use for it.

Yes there is, he want’s to get label text when click card view. CardView id’s are in the form of 1,2, … and Label are title1, title2…


You don’t think they could’ve done it the following way…

Never create a variable that will only be used once in one place. Variables were meant to be created when you need them in multiple places to reduce the amount of blocks you need, but in this case removing the variable would reduce the block amount by one.


You are absolutely right :slight_smile:

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And you were right about not switching “comp” for “component” :hugs: I didn’t see the ID “title” there :)

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You are fantastic now it’s ok!!!

Can i use Tainfun textbox extension with dynamic component extension and if is possible how i use it?

Maybe this might help