[F/OS] - Dynamic Components Extension (for every component) 2.3.0

Unfortunately, the extension can only create components in view containers. (which Canvas and Arrangements are a type of container.)


Understood. Anyway, your extension extremely useful. Thank you!

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hi i use these blocks:

titlebar horziontalview
and im launching “AddListItem” with:

but it is crashing in android 4 (also after some time it also crashes in android 6)
is there any way to make it not crash?

Thank you for this great extension. (Bir Türk olarak ayrıca gurur duydum).

Does it make any problem to create 20 or more components (images inside arrangements) with this extension inside the app? Such as performance or memory problems? In my case I am trying to create 20 images inside 20 vertical arrangements and add them into a view pager.

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~20 components is too low to create a “noticeable” performance issue. But that probably depends on the quality of the images. In this case, I prefer creating Image components with this extension and load their images with “Image Utilities” component (in-built component) or an image loader extension (any image loader extension should work).


I tried but i cant load resource images with it

May be you wer doing mistake somewhere. Earlier i worked in one preoject of showing image, title and topic from json of 200+ items using this dynamic componet extension… Within few seconds it displays all without error

Hello, by no means was I able to create a clickable event for a component. And where can I have the click return when I create a button with this component. I tried every way and it didn’t work. Including with Any Button event click

A very simple approach
blocks - 2022-04-11T204250.422


Thank you for the tip ! I noticed that I had given the same ID number for the captions and images. But however I researched about this extension (Dynamic Click) and it helped me a lot too, saving some blocks. Here’s a tip for anyone who wants to use it.


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Trying to move image sprites but it’s not working. They can change x and y positions but they teleport rather than more. I have tried setting the interval as well as speed.

Here is the project, please let me what Im doing wrong.
Clicker (1).aia (37.9 KB)

Hi! I want to make the height of created panel to be automatic how could it be?

Set height to -1 (for automatic) or -2(for fill) applicable to any component


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In designer part search for this “Network”, drag it in your project. Go to blocks, click on network, drag is network connected try it along with if then else block

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Contact me on telegram for schema code of any design Technical Fun2Family

How faster it creates components from schema in comparison with creation from “foreach” cycle, for example? Do somebody know?

They are relatively the same, however by not using a schema, traversing components doesn’t have to take place. This means that if you have a foreach loop creating components from schemas, it’s substantially slower than just creating a single component.