Oh, seriously, this was the block I needed… I tested a lot of them, but I was looking to modify the text with the “any label” block.
Thank you, I will see how to adapt it to my project!
I have been strugling with this aix on how to create Gridview and now I am allmost achieving something but I wonder why the new aix doesn’t work all my data are from YouTube API please any suggestion on what should I set on this
block instead of this block?
Only one thing I would like to know how to use one of these two Scroll Events
for example I want to load some data maybe 1000 data from airtable and then when user scroll to bottom then I load different data from Firebase etc etc, and add them to the list or remove the previous and add the new.
Kindly would you help us to know how we can use this and etc
Well, you can use the above said TextAlignment to align for the components like, button, label and text boxes. If you want to align layout mean, use Set Align horizontal property value to 3