[F/OS] Recycler List View - Render larger data sets efficiently using `RecyclerView` for AppInventor & Distros

Im showing scroll dy value in Title but its not perfect
If is work like scroll handler then it will much useful for everyone, if is possible then mention here thank you

@zainulhassan Can you add this block to get the component through their unique id :point_down:


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@zainulhassan what about nested recycle view? Is it possible to make it?

Can we use more than one recyclerview in same screen??

Continuing the discussion from [F/OS] Recycler List View - Render larger data sets efficiently using `RecyclerView` for AppInventor & Distros:

how to clear list on recycler list view please help me…

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@zainulhassan This Aix Not Worked Niotron.

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Try it in Android Builder

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Components need to update themselves when the screen direction changes, otherwise ridiculous actions take place, for your information (you can test it), this problem does not exist in the dynamic component extension

set the screen no sensor only , and try to set recycler connect after 1 second clock of user click …

I know this too, I have stated my observations for the extension to work correctly.

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when data is incremented in realtime. how to add item without re-initialization. ? #ask

for me components doesnt update in display after searching for particular items in list and re displaying them , any solution ?

Can you please help, how can I make a search list from Two global data
Example: Search from title or Subject.

Can you please show me how you did this with the blocks image? i have the same problem here

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Do you mean this?

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How can disable all the buttons on “When any Button click” event.
The above block only disables the clicked button.

Please, where can I download version 1.0.1 of this extension? The link in the first post is version 1.0.0 and I don’t have the OnBindView block with the “dataItem”

EDIT : sorry, i found on github <3

Thank you @Jarda_Pribyl

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recycler.aia (179.4 KB)

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To all the users using recycler view, just remember to keep state separate from recycler view. Otherwise the results will be weird. Always set properties in OnBindView event and not in any other place. Don’t change properties inside button clicks rather update the data and then tell recycler view that data has been changed using respective blocks. Keep state seprate from recycler view.