Fast list view best ideas

I hope to help experienced people.

Let me know if there is a way to create a quick list view within the apps.

If there are more than a thousand elements
Then it will be shown in the list as well.

But I do a lot of listings.
I first add everything to airtable.

Then export

Then listviews from .csv.

That takes a lot of time to render. Also if there are more than 5 elements.

So there is not much time to render it,

Many times the user’s mobile hangs.

There will be many elements but a quick listview

Let me know if you have any ideas ( For Offline app )

write you list in a txt file with cvs format ( item1,item2,item3,item4,item1000) then use file component to read this file where you saved it, then use cvs to list option and load list to list view


But I do not understand
When reading .csv from a file.

That’s why two are added to the list ().

Each element’s () takes a long time to remove these two.

i think your cvs in not a correct format, dont use () while creating list cvs, just like this,


and store to a txt file in phone memory, read by Files component and after read use set in to any global like, set global list to , list from cvs row, get text, and after that set list view to that global, i have tried that, working

Where do you create a CSV file?

i have created that in computer,and store to mobile, you can also create in mobile,

But in any writing,
If any of the stories (,) is in the problem

cvs row is in this format, what are you having? show me

airtable .csv file

send me you cvs exported file,

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GeneralSMS-Grid view (3.0 KB)

how to use ( , ) in item

Make it in notepad and separate each name with comma (,).
Eg mayur,sanket,shreyank,etc

you list has large text and in hindi , automaticaly its not convertig it into text, you must have to write it again in txt file, as i said

but dont use “,” n your text, use that just where you want to add next item, else it will split all text at “,”

you can use this file to edit and use comma only where you want to split items, i cant read you language otherwise i did that,
all you list items are added to this file, remove all commas and use where start new text,

mylist.txt (11.7 KB)

bro cheak it fast 1574771621390