File save problem

For example, I want to save the file by pressing the button: /storage/emulated/0/Android/com.tencent.ig/ but it does not save. But
It saves to /storage/emulated/0/Downloads/ folder,
/storage/emulated/0/ doesn’t save here either.
My question is, is there a way to save it in the com.tencent.ig folder? I am using Android 11. There is one like the app I made in google play and it does it using files (system app). Legacy mode on


No, at least not on Android 11.

So how does this app do it?

What does the app do?

There is a button. When I press the button, the android/data folder opens and the “use this folder” button appears, so I have access to the android/data folder.How does this happen, can you show me the block layout so I can do this?

The ZArchive app does the same.

What does this screenshot have to do with your question?
It only shows the packages (and in them the ASDs) of the installed apps.

ZArchive application can access android/data by pressing the blue button

You can also Use File Explorer app

I am currently making an application. In my application, I want to open this screen by pressing the button and get permission. How can I do it, I don’t know the blocks.

I know it’s made using SAF. But I don’t know the block layout.

No, /storage/emulated/0/Android/ is not accessible on Android 11+ even not with SAF. But there are special file manager apps with which this is possible (e.g. Total Commander).

How do these file managers do this?

The application I showed above (90 FPS UNLOCK PUBG) changes a file called android/data/com.tencent.ig/files/…/Saved/SavedGames/Activr.sav and thus increases FPS in the game. So it is interfering with the files of another application. How is he doing this?

Probably that app still uses SDK29 as target sdk? When was it updated the last time?
Or it uses MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission…


permissions used by the app


your answer is incomplete
