FileTools : Some tools to work with files

Dear Taifun

I have the FileTools extension installed in my project, but this block “Call>File1>CopyFile” with these options does not have

this is the file component


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Dear Taifun,

Excuse my ignorance of not knowing these blocks that are native to Kodular :frowning:

I’m starting this kind of development!!!

Thanks for helping me !!!


Dear bodymindpower,

I adapted your Blocks to my project and it worked perfectly :slight_smile:

I will do more tests and report back.

Thank you very much

I am trying to use this extension to create a file manager of my own.

This is just the base of code, to go through my directories and browse all files and folders.

The thing is that this doesn’t show me the directory of any file. It only shows the directory of folders.
Meaning there are no .png, .jpg, .pdf, .txt, only folder. Whenever I use the filter option in the .FIlesList function nothing happens. If i set withFolders = False then it returns an empty list.

How do i fix this and see files?

You don’t seem to be aware of changes made by Google in Android 11.

Also see:

Would it be possible for the application to read files from MicroSD with ListFileAsync?

If so, how would you do this?

Just use the correct path to the directory
You can get a list of available storage directories using method AvailableStorageDirectories



I have tried to all my Devices Version 8,9 and 11 but not working.
Please I need any suggestion method for me to solve this issue

I need an advanced help form this since I get no respons from my end

Kindly help me to know why this is not moving to my own specific directory from the another

here is an aia as well
move_files.aia (102.8 KB)

Also I am using version

Kindly I need any solution method for this

Same method I have applied it with only TaifunFile aix and got this error

and the aia for
TaifunMove_File.aia (86.0 KB)
is here as well

If anyone can fix the any of aia shared I will appreciate

@Darkcode I don’t understand how did you miss to read docs.

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Do you mean it is one by one file and not the all in list files if applicable?

Carefully check what to or des argument expects and what you are providing.

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I want to move all in list after using this block
then response of this
then move all to my /storage/emulated/0/Download/AI Tech/

What I am trying to say is that to parameter accepts a file path not a folder path.

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Okay now if I want to send move those how should I do it

[“/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/io.makeroid.companion/files/Kodular/assets/The Story Book: Watu wenye uwezo Usio wa Kibinadamu…mp4”,
“/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/io.makeroid.companion/files/Kodular/assets/The Story Book: Watu wenye uwezo Usio wa Kibinadamu.-1.mp4”, “/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/io.makeroid.companion/files/Kodular/assets/The Story Book: Mtoto Jambazi Aliyepata Umaarufu Kwa Kuuliwa Kikatili / Robert ‘Yummy’ Sandifer.mp4”, “/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/io.makeroid.companion/files/Kodular/assets/The Story Book: ''Tufanye Mapenzi Ufe ‘’ Kisa Cha Tiger Jike…mp4”]

I have never done this before that is why I am confused how to do it

It’s very basic thing.
Provide file path in to paramter instead of folder path.

From understanding your suggestion I am thinking about this
blocks (1)

But I am not sure if it will work

or even this

What do you think a file path looks like?

A file path luoks like this

> /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/io.makeroid.companion/files/Kodular/assets/The Story Book: Watu wenye uwezo Usio wa Kibinadamu..mp4

Tha is what I know

That’s right.

Now compare it with values you are providing in des parameter.