I have problem when i create essay question, so after i fill my text box, then i back to other screen, text that i fill was disappear. Is there any solution to make my text not disappear when i go to other screen
Fill text in text box always disappear when back pressed to the other screen, is there any solution?
FYI TinyDB is local storage, TinyWebdB is online storage
How to connect tiny db to text box?
I am very newbie for using tiny db
A very good way to learn App Inventor or Kodular is to read the free Inventor’s Manual here in the AI2 free online eBook App Inventor 2 Book: Create Your Own Android Apps … the links are at the bottom of the Web page. The book ‘teaches’ users how to program with AI2 blocks.
There is a free programming course here Course In A Box and the aia files for the projects in the book are here: App Inventor 2 Book: Create Your Own Android Apps
How to do a lot of basic things with App Inventor are described here: How do you...? .
Also do the tutorials Our Tutorials! to learn the basics of App Inventor, then try something and follow the Top 5 Tips: How to learn App Inventor
Oh really as the name shows that webdb is online storage so thanks for telling me
Thanks guys
My problem solve
Please provide a screenshot of your relevant blocks for others, which might have the same question in future
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