Find similar rows in a table

tt.aia (23.8 KB)
thanks a lot, but I need to find the text in this table and if it is, then activate the button

thanks a lot, but I need to find the text in this table and if it is, then activate the button

my demo aia

which button need to be visible… ?

While searching it need to visible or while saving need to be visible?


when searching, if the same title is present in the table, then the button should be visible

Like this??

GSK 6 is exists so

It appears like this… correct? while searching the item

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Test this…

tt1.aia (24.5 KB)

As i suggest you in the earlier post, have worked the same

But you have asked while searching so switched the suggested blocks when search table clicked

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Thank you so much, what you need

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A smile thanks with smile… :smiley:

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