Fingerprint Component and Notifier Text Input Bug


  1. The fingerprint dialog can be removed with just a click outside the dialog window.

1.1 The “Show Text Dialog” on the Notifier is incorrect. The title is the same as the message.


  1. Use a fingerprint. Then call it and now if you click outside the window the dialog is removed.

2.1 User a notifier then use “Show Text Dialog”. Now put Title and message in it. Now you see that both is the same.



Android Version: 8.0.0

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I will take a look for the notifier bug today

This is normal and no bug. Else the user can not stop the fingerprint checking.

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But then is this component useless, or? Because everyone can skip it…

I would not tell it useless.
No authentication? No functions should be available. This is not useless…

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I have fixed the notifier component bug.
Use for now a other dialog.
Will be fixed in the next release.

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Glad to hear that ^^



No, it’s not. You can do it all without the window, there’s a switch for that, or you can just do this:
On the authentication screen just wait. If the dialog is dismissed, add a button to show it again, and go to the next screen with the AuthenticationComplete event. That event only fires when the user has completed the authentication and the fingerprint matched.

I hope you can understand, it’s pretty hard, but I’m not at home so I cannot help you with blocks.

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