Firbase get data color change

My question is here -

Example - I get data from Firebase and

Put in a label.

As like - Name - Rohan
Age - 19
Address - Delhi
Gender - Male

Its all in only 1 label

I want change color of Name , Age , Address and Gender.

Is it possible ?

Set HTML true for your label and then use html balise like this :

< span style="color:red">This is a paragraph.</span>

1 Like

I am not understanding
Can you make any example for me ?

<span style="color:red"> Name</span> - Rohan
<span style="color:red">Age</span> - 19
<span style="color:red">Address</span> - Delhi
<span style="color:red">Gender</span> - Male

I’m not understanding.

Where I will put it ?
It’s very frustrating plz help me

Well, just put in your label all your datas from firebase. Activate HTML format for your label. And then, with your blocks, set <span style="color:red">Your text in red</span> each time you want your text un red.

show your blocks will help


just set the labels text to HTML and in text do what @bcmfr said

In your label , on Design page , Check the active HTML Property.
Ok ?
Now , do as he @bcmfr Said :
Insert a Join Block

With HTML tags in block string
In First block string :
< span style="color:red >
In Second :
Your Text
In Third :
< /span >


it is not working.

i am getting all text in only one label

Name - Rohan
Age - 19
Address - Delhi
Gender - Male

and i want change color only name, age , address and gender

give me any advise or solution of blocks i need must.

put the html format to true in advanced part of your app and set text
<span style="color:red"> Name</span> - Rohan <span style="color:red">Age</span> - 19 <span style="color:red">Address</span> - Delhi <span style="color:red">Gender</span> - Male

rohan, 19, delhi will be automatic change from diffrent users.
it is not a proper solution.

please give me a block

Grammatical Error in your Sentence Formation makes it Harder to Understand what you are Asking for.

So Please Bother Writing it Again More Clearly this Time and Be Elaborative.


my question is here ;
Example - I get data from Firebase and Put in only one label.
note - data will be change according to users.

As like - Name - Rohan
Age - 19
Address - Delhi
Gender - Male

Its all in only one label

I want change red color of Name , Age , Address and Gender.
and it will be fix,
but their answer will be not fixed (like as - Rohan, Delhi etc.)

So What Everyone is Saying is Correct

Looks Like You Don’t Want To Try.



The solution has already been passed on to you yesterday .

Ready blocks?
Don’t you want to try?
Soon you will have the blocks ready, someone will post …

You need to study programming logic.
You need Read.
You need study.


I try it
But it’s not working

is the html part is ticked?

Yes HTML part is ticked

Give me solution plz

You have only one text box for all 3 variable. There is no place where you set those variables to a value ( I assume that TextBox1 is empty when the screen initialize).

Also you said it’s not working, are you trying it with the companion app or ?


is the label getting empty text?