Firebase Authentication : Google Sign-In Error

Even I had faced the same issue I followed various tutorials and all but i was still getting the error | Kodular Staff Please FIX this.


Hey @Peter, @Diego, @Sander please review this post.


Me too facing the same problem
Please someone help us !!

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What is wrong with the staff its been 2 days


Do you think they have a lot of free time? Staff is not you. Also, only 2 days passed. If it is very important for you, then research for this problem and create a workaround for that instead of saying that.

Please show some respect to the staff! :slightly_smiling_face:


@Kodular - Can you try downloading latest Firebase/Firebase Auth jar/aar or update the classes by recompiling? It’s a possibility that it’s due to the recent Firebase SDK release. This could maybe solve [IMPORTANT crash !] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError@Franck_G28. Sander please also take a look at the Firebase Config component to assure that none of the methods which are now deprecated are currently used.

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I would really like it to solve the problem.
I didn’t have time to work on the application when I was in class, and now that I’m on holidays, this bug is preventing me from progressing :disappointed_relieved:

In addition, when I researched this crash, the solution people were giving was to update the SDK.

I know you don’t always have time for that, but I’d just like to know where it comes from (firebase normally), and if it’s going to be solved!

Did you try updating SDK, did it solve the issue?

I can’t do it myself, only Kodular can do it!


@Franck_G28 - Can you do this for? On the Google Play Console, go ahead and revert the version of your app using where the past versions are stored on there, this way the users which will no longer get the error, while it’s being fixed. This will prevent more one star reviews, or any duplicates. Do answer one start reviews which ask or say, “It’s not working”. Explain to the user what is going and the fact that you cannot update the Firebase SDK yourself, however do not copy and paste as it will seem you don’t care about them.

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Good Idea ! I can put an update to disable firebase, but the only problem is for the updater :thinking:

You have OneSignal?

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Yes ! It’s the solution ! I will do that tomorrow :+1:

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So Google Sign in does not work in firebase or what.? I had in the past no problem with it.
The past is last month or so as i tested my app

Not working now

No one can solve, only kodular team can solve it…

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You are right

Try this extension:

A tip from cian :wink:


Sure i willl try as soon as I get back to my laptop

hello everyone, I have got the solution read here at Kodular Docs - Firebase Authentication - Kodular Docs

we didn’t uploaded the google-services-json file to Google Authentication in Firebase, Read it carefully and its working !!

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