[Firebase] Client access to your Realtime Database 'xxxxx' is expiring in 3 day(s)

i use firebase for check version and update.
i received email from google “[Firebase] Client access to your Realtime Database ‘xxxx’ is expiring in 3 day(s)”
You chose to start developing in Test Mode, …"

current rules :
“rules”: {
“.read”: “now < 1630861200000”, // 2021-9-6
“.write”: “now < 1630861200000”, // 2021-9-6

i’ve search and modified :
“rules”: {
“.read”: “auth == null”,
“.write”: “auth == null”
but it dont work, how i can fix it. thank you very much.

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You can try

"rules”: {
  “.read”: “auth != null”,
  “.write”: “auth != null”

Or simple test rules

"rules”: {
  “.read”: “true”,
  “.write”: “true”


Just change the milliseconds to a new date sometime in the future, then you can carry on until then with rules == true

However better to add secure rules…

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