Firebase - Cloud Messaging Extension - Some Testers Needed

Some testers needed to test FCM Extension

com.kabby.firey.firemessaging.aix (618.3 KB)

Just a simple aix :sweat_smile:


How do I test it

You can import it in your project and try some functions
put services.json file in assets

Note : make sure to drag push notifications component

Ok i wil do

Runtime Error: Failed resolution of: Lcom/google/firebase/FirebaseApp

Any idea?

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Have you tested this yourself?

Why not tell what the extension does and provide some sample blocks or aia for others to test.


I will help you by testing this extension I will tell the results tonight after testing with android 10 , 11 , 9

Also as @Peter mentioned give some documentation

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You are a prokoder I don’t think you will need documentation. It’s straight forward but doesn’t work

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Well, Its working


Friends I will launch aix soon

com.kabby.firey.firemessaging.aix (1.7 MB)


Now its fixed :smiley:
I added all required libs

extension works finely to receive notifications from both Console and App

Demo Blocks

Bug #1

Apk closes on first run due to some null content

Fix : would be provided soon

Hello, i have a question as you written above that also darg push notification but why i know that one signal is not working in apps with API 30 but is this will work for onesignal or not?

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Friend my aix is now standalone, you dont need to drag any components now :smiley:

Oh… really​:astonished: and one last question is there any option to put any id or something else

wut do u mean by id? user id? topicId? userToken?

I mean from where the notifications come from

Firebase console

A question, receive message in the background too?

If I need a tester, just call me on dm

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No error but don’t get any notification