Some testers needed to test FCM Extension
com.kabby.firey.firemessaging.aix (618.3 KB)
Just a simple aix
Some testers needed to test FCM Extension
com.kabby.firey.firemessaging.aix (618.3 KB)
Just a simple aix
How do I test it
You can import it in your project and try some functions
put services.json file in assets
Note : make sure to drag push notifications component
Ok i wil do
Runtime Error: Failed resolution of: Lcom/google/firebase/FirebaseApp
Any idea?
Have you tested this yourself?
Why not tell what the extension does and provide some sample blocks or aia for others to test.
I will help you by testing this extension I will tell the results tonight after testing with android 10 , 11 , 9
Also as @Peter mentioned give some documentation
You are a prokoder I don’t think you will need documentation. It’s straight forward but doesn’t work
Now its fixed
I added all required libs
extension works finely to receive notifications from both Console and App
Demo Blocks
Hello, i have a question as you written above that also darg push notification but why i know that one signal is not working in apps with API 30 but is this will work for onesignal or not?
Friend my aix is now standalone, you dont need to drag any components now
Oh… really and one last question is there any option to put any id or something else
wut do u mean by id? user id? topicId? userToken?
I mean from where the notifications come from
Firebase console
A question, receive message in the background too?
If I need a tester, just call me on dm
No error but don’t get any notification