Firebase component is using 3 MB data for getting a small text data from FIREBASE DATABASE of total size of 3 MB

Issue: - I have a app on the play store with 2500+ registered user and more then 200+ active users. Which stated using lots of data for users phone and also Firebase bandwidth. I don’t use Firebase authentication. then I tested a new app with same project data base to get few words(user info) witch is not more than 200 words and its cost me more then 3 MB data for one time. 3MB IS THE TOTAL SIZE OF MY DATABASE

EACH TIME SAME THING HAPPENED TO MY DATABASE. With only 200 Active users my app used minimum 50 GB firebase bandwidth /DAY. which cost me more than 200$ in just 2-3 days

IT SHOULD BE MAX 200kb for one request.

Actual Behaviour- but it is using 3 mb for one request

Android version : 5 +

Of course, if you call firebase to get tag list (of 2500 tag store into your firebase) you total size 3MB or more !!!
Why used tag list ?
You need only get tag (info) from one user not of all.

It depends on query type.
Supposed finding tag in 100 tags take more mb than finding tag in 10 tag takes less mb.
It depends on how much their server takes load per sec to execute query.kk

On your growing data and user base, it’s better to look for alternatives which don’t charge for transaction but charges for actual space consumption by the data i.e MYSQL.

This will save you money for sure.

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actually Your are doing it in wrong way… Due to repitative calling of data you r losing limit … I have also researched about it… if you want to get value of every tag from tag list then do like this
Call Data in single calling…

For each Item & For each number … this loop uses lots of firebase data… I hope u understood me…


and also another thing…
1] use minimum firebase component try to cover in one firebase component…
2] dont put token id and url in designer property… on screen intializing he call all data from bucket… put in block when you required it…
3] as your bucket is longer… and if you set all things in designer property … then every screen initialising may lose your limit…

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