Firebase Error on my project sign up

hello everyone, I want to ask why there is always a firebase error message in my project sign up? how to solve it?

Delete this project.
Recreate a new one
During the set up set the location as us-central
Connect the app and test,
It will be working

I’ve created a new project, changing the location to us central, but the firebase error message is still there like the picture I sent above

Android version?

Yes, android version

JSON File upload on your assets

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I already upload json file on my asset

SHA1 key ad your firebase

Where should I add SHA1. Is at the beginning when I create firebase? If yes I have done it

Watch Video

Your Key Here

I have followed the video you sent but it doesn’t work either. this is my SHA1, keystore, API key. I have also copied the Api key fire base to the firebase token and I have also copied the realtime database to the firebase url. Or any wrong with my block?

Shouldn’t these be the same to worK

now it’s the same as SHA 1, but it still any error massage

Check your project packege name same on firebase

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Yes my package name is the same with firebase

Thanks for your time
Its work when I copy database secret to firebase token

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