The rules are in “false” since when using the authentication it would be incessant to put “true” since there is even news that there was theft of information from Firebase Database that had the condition “true”.
Hi, thanks for the help.
Unfortunately, I have not been able to solve the problem, this message is bounced “The given sign-in provider is disabled for this firebase project, Enable it in the firebase console, under the sign-in method tab of the Auth Section”.
The option “Email” is activated.
I have uploaded the google-services.json file to the Assets folder and it keeps showing the access error.
Can I ask, based on the screenshot you added… Did you change your project name? From project-whatever to something you want, like your apps name. Can you tell me, is this built or companion?
So did it work? Or did it fail? In English, we put what happened after the wish/hope/thought/the thing that’ll must likely fail , so i solved your issue then, correct?
por lo que entendí, ahora puedes dejar tus datos privados? si es así, como lo lograste? yo me autentico, y si pongo “.read”: “auth! = null” en las reglas, igual no me deja leer.
Al final tuve que cambiarle por
Lectura = Verdad
Escritura = Verdad
Ya que cuando el auth funciona ya no te muestra el error de seguridad, y si testeas tu app desde Companion no lee la base de datos, para la lectura de la base de datos se debe compilar la aplicación en APK.
si se que la app debe estar compilada, ya que no funciona en el companion, pero entonces igual hay q dejar la base de datos publica para poder leer/escribir?